All Things Marketing
The marketing landscape today often leads to information overload. Check out our hot takes and insights from industry experts.
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Attract Valuable Leads With Longform Content
When Hubspot released their 2022 marketing statistics, it made us think about the value of longform content. Let’s break down the importance and execution of longform content for marketers!
Components of a Successful Brand Website
Having a killer website is a major aspect of building a brand! From design and content, to back-end coding and SEO, here are some of the details we look for in a successful brand website.
How Brands Can Make Consumers Feel Loved, All Year Round
We all want to feel truly valued and appreciated by the brands we shop from, and not just on special occasions! Read our tips on how our favorite brands can continuously make sure consumers are feeling the love.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
We’ve all experienced feeling underqualified, lost, or anxious when starting a new position or joining a new team. Here are some of our tips for overcoming your workplace imposter syndrome!
TikTok Marketing: The Call for Brand Authenticity
TikTok users want brands to get real and we’re here for it! The platform is changing the marketing game, and we are all learning to navigate it. Here’s how we think brands are appealing to this new wave of consumers.
What We've Been Up To: Exciting Updates
We have some exciting announcements to share... Indie is now officially part of 1% for the Planet and Google Partner Certified! What does this mean for our team? We dive into the details here.
Revisiting Indie’s 2021 Predictions: Did We Get It Right?
Last January, we made 6 predictions about what marketing trends would stand out in 2021. Now a full year later, we are looking back to see how we did. Are we marketing fortune tellers? Read to find out.
A Remote Worker's Guide to Charlotte, NC
A few months back, we shared some top places to visit in Burlington, Vermont. For our next blog in this series, we thought it would be fun to go a little further south. Whether you are a local or visitor, read our Remote Worker’s Guide to Charlotte, NC!
Our 2021 Marketing Superlatives
As 2021 comes to an end, we are reflecting on a few digital marketing & media spotlights of this past year. From the good, the bad, to even the strange industry moments, check out our list of 5 notable marketing superlatives from 2021!
Relationship Building in the Age of Remote Working
Making authentic connections with colleagues, clients, and other community members through a computer screen can be tricky. We have compiled a few tips on improving virtual communication and relationship building in the age of remote working.
What We Listened To This Year
With Spotify’s music wrap-ups taking over our social feeds every December, we wanted to share the jams that got us through this past year. Read to find out some of the Indie team members’ top songs, artists, and even a few recommendations of 2021!
Supercharging Your Social Strategy
Need to revamp your social media marketing? Our digital media & creative strategy expert Parks Middleton has some advice for you! Watch for 5 quick tips on supercharging your social strategy.
Holiday Marketing: Our List of the Best Campaigns
It’s that time of year again...The lights and decorations start to go up along with the holiday sales, ads, and promotions. Marketers during the holidays are like kids in a candy store, so we compiled some of the best campaigns we’ve seen. Read on for a list of our five favorite holiday campaigns!
Six Pieces of Advice from the Indie Team
We gathered six of our team members to share the best advice they have ever received, who it was from, and how they apply it to their daily lives. Read on for some words of wisdom from the Indie team!
Three Lessons Learned During our Third Year of Business
Happy birthday to us! As Indie wraps up our 3rd year in business, we’ve reflected on all the ways we’ve grown along the way. Read on to find out three key lessons Molly has taken away from this past year as CEO & Founder of Indie.
A Remote Worker’s Guide to Burlington, VT
As a fully remote company with a team spread across the country, Indie encourages people to work from wherever inspires them, whether it’s a coffee shop, sitting at home, or at the top of a mountain! Read on to find out Anisa's recommendations for remote workers in or visiting Burlington, Vermont.
Delivered to Your Door: The Digital Age of Shopper Marketing
Remember when the only thing you could have delivered within an hour was a pizza? As our world increasingly prioritizes convenience services, more and more brands are introducing on-demand delivery. Read about this growing practice and our advice for brands looking to establish their own rapid delivery services.
Big Branding Hits in the Summer of '21
It's no surprise that consumer behavior has changed in the wake of this past year. Here are some best in class examples of how brands have adjusted their marketing efforts to address these changes.
Georgia Vernal Reflects on her Time at Indie
As her summer internship comes to an end, Georgia Vernal reflects on her time at Indie and shares her top tips for college students looking for jobs.
Winning Hand for Process Improvement
If you play poker, you’ll know that a Royal Flush is the ultimate winning hand. Catching 5 perfect cards happens about once in every 649,740 draws, a probability of 0.000154%. Take a look at some of the tools, Indie consultants use on a daily basis to keep winning.