Relationship Building in the Age of Remote Working

In today's working environment many meetings, conferences, and any other in person events are held in a virtual sense. Here are a few pointers on how to build the best foundation for a relationship that is not face to face.

1st Impressions are Crucial

Be early – I always try to be the first one on the call or at least early by a few minutes. While this may not work if you have meetings back-to-back all day, you can strategically schedule first-time meetings to give yourself a little wiggle room. This is a great way to kick off getting to know a new client. 

Dress well and be presentable – Though remote working can be done in sweatpants, making sure that you dress in something that makes you feel good both on and off camera can be a great confidence-builder when making a first impression.

Make sure to be in a room with good lighting – You want to make sure that your face is clear on the camera, as part of the first impression includes facial expressions. A smile can automatically light up the mood of any call, letting the client know you are excited to be there and ready to get to know them.

Have Empathy and be a Good Listener

Be empathetic of other people's time and energy – you never know what someone may be dealing with at home. This is especially relevant now that many of us have turned our own homes into workspaces and don’t have the ability to separate the two as easily as before. Being mindful of others can help us all gain empathy and understanding, even in a remote workspace.

Ask how their week has been going – They could say something that you may be able to help with. Even just being there to listen could be a way to turn someone's day around. Actively listening is so crucial in a virtual environment because it can be easier to miss important meeting or conversation points over video. Be active in your listening and note taking. This shows people that you respect their time and input.

Get to Know People Personally and Professionally

Ask questions not only about work – Don’t just dive straight into business, especially when you are first building the foundation of your professional relationship. Life is always more enjoyable when you get to work with people whose company you enjoy. Get to REALLY know the people you are working with.

Utilize Icebreakers

Have a fun conversation starter – Icebreakers can be especially great when meeting with a bigger group. It is always nice during a video conference or meeting when there are introductions and maybe an interesting question to get to know one another.  

Be Reliable

Make sure that you follow through – Do things when you say you are going to do them. I once heard someone say, “the fortune is in the follow up,” and this quote has always stuck with me. If you can consistently follow through on your commitments, a foundation of trust is built. I think this is especially important in the virtual world we are living in to show that you are just as reliable when working remotely.

Utilize video chats and calls – I have found in a remote world of working that jumping on a zoom call is a great way to save time rather than constant back-and-forth emails. This allows for a deeper working connection and less mistakes because you will have updates from your call, your email trail for reference, and more overall clarity of what needs to be done.


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