Six Pieces of Advice from the Indie Team

Many of us strive to have it all figured out, if such a thing even exists. Often armed with the ‘fake it till we make it’ approach, we take on relationships, careers, and life’s various challenges with no clear instruction manual. Because there is no step-by-step guide for our lives, we must take any opportunity to learn from those around us. Whether it’s from your grandmother, a TED Talk, or even your twitter feed, we could all use some valuable life advice from time to time. 

We had six of our Indie team members share the best advice they’ve received, who gave it, and how they apply it in their career or daily lives.

1. Work hard and be honest.

Who gave this advice: My parents

“This advice is applicable to every aspect of life. It’s never a waste of time to do something if you’re working your hardest at doing it right, and being honest is never the wrong choice. It creates more trust, reliability, and respect.”

2. Never give up, never look back, and always get up to try again when you fall down.

Who gave this advice: A mix of coaches I have worked with in my running career

“I am able to apply this to everyday life/job/challenges because you aren't always going to be the most successful at everything you do all the time so when you do mess up or fail you have to allow yourself to be able to get back up and grow from the failure. Keep breaking your ceilings in every aspect of life no matter how good or bad you are at what you are trying to achieve!”

3. Don’t take yourself too seriously.

Who gave this advice: My mom

“As I often stress about little things or cringe at my past mistakes, I have to step back to remind myself that it’s no fun to shine this negative light. I like to instead laugh at myself or the scenario, as humor or a good story can be found in many situations.”

4. The only risk is not taking one.

Who gave this advice: A fortune cookie

“As a risk averse person by nature, I try to regularly remind myself of this quote and that growth doesn't come from comfort!”

5. The more you advance and grow in your career, you’ll find that saying no to things becomes more important to your success than saying yes.

Who gave this advice: A boss / mentor

“I’m a southern girl, raised to be (mostly) agreeable. Learning to say No frees you up to say Yes to better opportunities - applies to professional life & relationships.”

6. Just show up. 

Who gave this advice: A teacher in high school

“This can really be applicable to everything you do. In the simplest way, it means challenging yourself to do things you don't want to do, but also putting all your effort and heart into everything you do (no matter how large or small).”

We love learning the advice that most resonates with our team members and how we can all apply these words of wisdom to our daily lives. What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Feel free to comment your favorite words of wisdom on our Indie Consulting LinkedIn Post.


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