20 Things to Be Thankful for in 2020

Let’s face it: 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. We’ve all had our ups and our downs. We’ve all had to make adjustments to our everyday lives. We’ve all been waiting for this year to be over. But however crazy this year might be, we can all admit that it’s shown a bright light on the things we have to be thankful for - twenty things to be exact.  

  1. Video Conferencing.

    We had to start out by stating the obvious. Would the world have gone on turning this year without Zoom? 

  2. Sunrises & Sunsets.

    With a lighter schedule, we’ve enjoyed our extra time in the sunshine.

  3. Family.

    This one needs no explanation. Grateful, grateful, grateful.

  4. Friends.

    Is it just us, or has everyone made more of an effort to make time for friends this year? Whether it be having friends over to our homes or blocking off time for a virtual happy hour, we’ve dedicated time to our most cherished relationships.

  5. Cooking.

    Instead of commuting home every night, we’ve dedicated ourselves to the kitchen and opened our eyes to an entirely new world of recipes. (Thank you, Half Baked Harvest.)

  6. Pets.

    More time at home means more time with our favorite furry friends. We think our dog is probably ready for us to go back to the office.

  7. Walks.

    There are few things we’ve enjoyed more than mid-day walks. The perfect time to step away from the computer and step outside for fresh air.

  8. Virtual Workouts.

    We’re looking at you, Peloton. We’re thankful for the virtual workouts that we can tune into whenever we want to.

  9. Tiger King.

    Yes, this is absurd, but wow, Tiger King sure sparked a lot of interesting conversations and brought light to an otherwise dark time.

  10.  Road Trips.

    2020 has resurrected the wonderful simplicity of a road trip - and we’re here for it. The beach, the lake, the mountains: we’re on our way.

  11. Microsoft Teams/Slack/Etc.

    And for the ability to constantly chat coworkers, we are grateful.

  12. Podcasts.

    With the ability to consume more content than ever before, we’re grateful for all the podcasts that have kept us entertained along the way.

  13. Taylor Swift.

    Trivial, but let’s face it: Folklore came to us at a much-needed time.

  14. Coffee.

    We will be the first to admit that the thought of a good cup of coffee has gotten us up and moving many mornings this year.

  15. Music.

    If there was ever a time to be grateful for the ability to play songs that fit your ever-changing mood, 2020 was that time. Hats off to you, Spotify. 

  16. Conversation.

    We’re grateful for the many deep, educational, and thought-provoking conversations we’ve had this year. May we continue to learn and listen without distraction.

  17. Nature.

    The taste of a drink enjoyed outside, the smell of fresh-cut grass, the sound of crunching leaves. 

  18. Takeout.

    In today’s day-in-age, almost everything can be ordered ahead of time and ready for takeout. It’s a treat we’ve taken full advantage of.

  19. Books.

    This year has brought back our love of reading. With more free time than ever before, we’ve enjoyed several good books. (Where the Crawdads Sing, East of Eden, and The Sun Also Rises to name a few.)

  20. Coworkers.

    Relationships with coworkers are unlike any other, and for that, we are grateful. We’re excited for another year ahead of chatting, collaborating, listening, learning, and growing.


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