Our Work With Inspiring Girls USA

Each year, we choose a pro-bono project creating digital marketing strategies for organizations that inspire us. In 2022, we have had the privilege of working with Inspiring Girls USA.

Inspiring Girls is a non-profit organization that strives to raise the aspirations of girls around the world. With one sole mission in mind, Inspiring Girls connects girls with women role models from all walks of life to introduce them to a variety of careers and paths. Originally founded in 2013, Inspiring Girls now is located in 30 countries. In 2021, the organization held 835 events, reached 55,089 girls, and registered 2,244 new role models globally. Making a difference in young women’s lives all around the world is their core goal and our team at Indie Consulting could not wait to be a part of it. 

In 2021, Inspiring Girls International led a social media campaign called #ThisLittleGirlIsMe. This campaign was the biggest viral campaign in LinkedIn’s history; reaching over 20.2 million Instagram accounts and generating 20.7 million impressions across both platforms, Instagram and LinkedIn. 

Our Work With Inspiring Girls USA

Through a mutual connection, we met Erin Brown, Executive Director of Inspiring Girls USA. Once acquainted with the team and their mission, we got to workshopping how we can help their digital marketing presence. 

After brainstorming with our team and running ideas by Erin, a final plan was ready to put into action. Our team at Indie was to take on the volunteer project to deliver strategic guidance for building and launching a marketing strategy for Inspiring Girls USA. The deliverables consisted of a communication strategy for 2022, campaign development, content planning, and content development. 

Our goal was to increase signups to join circles, groups of aspiring youth girls, and increase fundraising. Our approach consisted of continuing to promote Inspiring Girls USA for who they are; a trusted resource for current and future generations of young girls to prosper. 

The first task was to get more girls involved in the Inspiring Girls community. This was done by engaging with their global audience across their social platforms. This included planning content such as refer-a-friend promotions, education on issues women face in the workforce, and entertainment such as questions of the day that followed the Inspiring Girls mission. Through social media outlets, Instagram, Tik-Tok, Facebook, and LinkedIn, they can engage with girls and parents to get involved! 

The second task was to inspire future generations through fundraising. This was done by developing content that established Inspiring Girls credibility and past achievements. Our team got to work developing assets and copy for Inspiring Girls USA’s social media and newsletters. The goal is to reach parents and mentors to express the importance of their contribution. Their contributions will help future generations of women to choose jobs based around their interests and passions, not just on what is a traditional “female” career. 

Over the course of 3 months, we delivered a campaign strategy and proposed rollout to grow and strengthen the community of Inspiring Girls. Indie Consulting and Inspiring Girls USA joined forces to successfully attack one common goal; inspire current and future generations of girls to prosper in all aspects of life despite societal constraints. 

We loved working with such an inspiring organization and truly admire the mission they serve. To learn more, get involved, or just keep up with their journey, follow Inspiring Girls USA on social media: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok!


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