Letters from Leadership: Our Impact on Each Other

As we head into Labor Day weekend, people will be taking their last getaways and family trips,  traveling to the beach, the lake, maybe the mountains - and closing the door on the summer of 2024. Historically, we celebrate Labor Day to recognize the contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being. While most enjoy the day off, few take the time to think about the reasoning behind it.

A common theme of my summer has been hospitality. It’s been a busy few months of traveling, which always entails various stays at hotels, experiences with airlines, visits to restaurants, and interactions with many people - some of which completely change your attitude, for better or for worse.

In the past few years, the importance of hospitality and customer service seems to have been put on the back burner, and in some instances, it even seems to be somewhat trendy to purposefully lack accommodation and empathy. It’s now cool to be the scowling barista behind the counter, to not care about greeting customers with a smile at the door, or to not be helpful in coordinating a hotel stay.

It’s so rare to have a positive customer service experience that when it does happen, your day immediately brightens. Think about the time a waiter remembered your anniversary, a bellhop greeted you at the door and offered to take your bag, a yoga teacher asked after your children. These small interactions can make all the difference in your day.

At Indie, we value the relationships we build with clients. At the end of the day, we’re all people, and it’s important to look after each other. It’s important to show up with a good attitude, even when it might be a hard day. It’s important to ask how someone is, and truly want to know the answer. It’s important to understand how we impact the people around us.

This Labor Day weekend, let’s remember how all of our jobs and day to day tasks and interactions have an effect on others. A smile, a question, or a helping hand can really make all the difference.

Kat Baker | Brand Building Team Lead


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Innovating in Health and Wellness Through Customer Feedback & Hospitality