Letters from Leadership: If it’s not fun, why do it?
I took the first two weeks of June off work for my wedding and honeymoon. This was the first time I’d taken two weeks away from work since starting Indie 5.5 years ago. I don’t share this to brag, as it certainly isn’t something to be proud of, but more so to highlight that this was a big moment for me! Two whole weeks offline! Time to do what? Relax…?! I was equally anxious as I was excited.
Taking Time Off
Our visit to an elephant sanctuary in Thailand!
In taking this time away (which was wonderful by the way), it struck me how much time we spend working. Week over week we spend most of our waking hours tapping away on our laptops, running to meetings, debating ideas, systems and processes – and amazingly the hours and days fly by.
Time is a funny thing; a truly limited resource, but also something we always think we have more of next week, next month, next year.
I try to approach most things in life with an abundance mindset instead of a restrictive mindset. At Indie we believe that there is enough time to be great at your job, and in your life outside of the office. With prioritization and discipline, time becomes a resource to do all the things that bring you joy, fulfillment and growth, both personally and professionally.
Client Visits
A behind-the-scenes peek at our visit with Bee’s Wrap!
However, the trick is, just like with all other limited resources, time must be used intentionally.
With the continual deadlines, (occasional) hard feedback, and competing priorities, it’s sometimes hard to remember that we work in one of the most fun and creative industries. We have the opportunity for our time at work to be fun.
As I reentered work after my honeymoon daze, I was reminded how much fun this industry and working with my team can be; how lucky I am to be able to spend my time this way. In the past month, we made time to have a virtual on-site with a speed pitching competition that will now be one of my top Indie memories, we took a lunch field trip to try pickle flavored ice cream (would not recommend), and we did site visits with some of our clients.
Team Outings
The Indie team field trip to try pickle ice cream!
I do not take for granted that my team is giving me one of the most valuable gifts anyone can give: their time. When I’m stuck in the hustle, or feeling like we are spinning 100 plates at once, I remind myself of my favorite quote from my days at Ben & Jerry’s – if it’s not fun, why do it? Nothing lasts forever, and time isn’t unlimited.
How do we live each week with the goal to make the best of every meeting, project and client interaction? Simply put, how can we have more fun?!
Molly Baker | CEO & Founder